Singapore is one of the highest net international investment position per capita. There are more than 7,000 multinational corporations from the United States, Japan, and Europe in Singapore. There are also approximately 1,500 companies from China and a similar number from India. Foreign firms are found in almost all sectors of the country's economy. WWII offers you the wide range of services to avail various types of visas to Singapore that include Working permit visa, Employment Pass visa, Personalized Employment Pass visa, Dependent Pass Scheme visa, Student visa, Permanent Residence Scheme for Work Pass Holders visa, and Investors PR Scheme visa.
The applicants who wish to process their Working permit visa to Singapore must have an employment offer from a firm in Singapore. Employment Pass visa applicants have to satisfy the criterions of salary and skills relevant to its three subcategories. The applicants of Personalized Employment Pass visa have the time period of 6 months to get a job in Singapore after they arrive at the country.
The immigrant students who wish to apply for the Study visa in Singapore must have an offer letter of a seat in a preferred educational institute in Singapore. The applicants who wish to process their Dependent pass visa must be a spouse or single children less than 21 years of an Employment pass visa holder in Singapore who has a minimum salary of S$5,000.
The applicants of Singapore Investor PR can get the visa processed for them and their close family members if they invest at least SGD2.5 million in the country.
For study in Singapore, one has to apply for Singapore student work visa. To study there, you have to get the compulsory grades and should fulfill the eligibility criteria. So it is necessary to do a pre analysis and select the universities list in which one wants to apply for. Before going for study abroad, you must go with short-term planning; otherwise you may have to face lots difficulties in future.
Once you receive a Student visa for study in Singapore, one can live there for the definite amount of period and when that visa has expired person can apply for short term Social Visit Pass for Singapore, which is limited to 30 days. But migrating from one country to another is not an easy task to do. A step by step process is followed for immigration.
Most of the countries have a law that provides a naturalization by which the immigrant becomes the citizen of that country. To become the citizen of a country the applicant should fulfill the criteria to acquire the citizenship. Most of the countries have laws that support to gain the citizenship of that country. For example to become the citizen of Singapore there are two following ways:
Permanent Residency: if there is a family connection to the citizen of Singapore or if you are an entrepreneur/businessman.
Citizenship: person under 21 years age and lived 2-6 years in Singapore, spouse of a Singapore citizen can apply for citizenship after 2 years of marriage, etc.
In order to move to a foreign country there is a process that is to be followed.
Applying For Visa:
The immigrant has to apply for the Visa. Many countries follow a prefixed process for the procedure. Each country has categorized the visa according to the need specified to migrate to that country. For example if a person has to go Singapore to study then he/she has to apply for visa that is specified for study purpose whatever it may be termed by the government of that country.
Employee Sponsored work Visa.
Independent sponsored work visa.
Businessman self Employed or entrepreneur Visa.
Investor, Scientist, PhD
By Birth (If you are native of that country)
Study as migrant.
(If a person wishes to apply for a Visa to a country, then he/she can apply for visa on the following terms specified. Most of the countries provide Visa in these Categories each country has name specified to the type of visa you are applying to. If a person is applying for Employee Visa in U.S.A then H1B visa has to be applied for.
Visa Approval: After applying for the visa the applicant has to wait for Visa approval.)
Top Universities and college
Singapore is not just a country of Merlion Park, it is an also one of an educational hub that is preferred mostly by international students. It’s small, but in the world oh higher education and research work, Singapore is a hitter. The country comes first on the list when it comes to research based study, a quality that is unbeatable by any other country. Study in Singapore for PhD or other research based studies. Some of the universities are,
· ERC Institute
· Academies Australasia College
· James Cook University
· First Media Design School
· FTMS Global Academy
· East Asia Institute Of Management
· Marketing Institute Of Singapore Training Centre
· Nanyang Institute of Management
· Amity Global Business School
· Management Development Institute of Singapore